DAY 40: JUNE 21


Asatoma Sadgamaya

A Shanti Mantra (Mantra of peace) from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

असतोमा सद्गमय ।

तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय ।

मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ॥

ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ।। 

asato mā sadgamaya

tamasomā jyotir gamaya

mrityormāamritam gamaya

Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ

From ignorance, lead me to truth;

From darkness, lead me to light;

From a deathlike existence, lead me to new life.

Om peace, peace, peace

Happy 40th day

Much love and respect to our Indigenous family and friends.  Today is National Indigenous People’s Day in Canada.  It is usually a day of celebration, but this year is more about quiet reflection and mourning after the horrific discoveries in Kamloops.

Malina Dawn, Rishima (Ray of Light Music) and I will be offering a gentle session this afternoon for those who want to practice.
toDAY, jUNE 21ST, 4-5:30pst

June 21 also marks International Day of Yoga, as well as the Summer Solstice. I am so thankful for the light of yoga in my life. This season change is a time for transformation and light and we pray that people treat one another with more respect, truthfulness, love, kindness and compassion.


Thank you for joining us for another 40 Day Sadhana. All though this 40 Day Sadhana has been difficult and heavy for many, I hope it has been a healing journey for you all. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing team at One Yoga and such lovely friends all over the globe. Thank you for the love and support and thank you for travelling with us. God Bless you all.

Good Medicine Yoga for generational healing

Join Malina, Rishma + Ryan at 4-5:30pst

Join Malina Dawn + Rishima Bahadoorsingh for a sweet + slow medicinal yoga practice. With Bhajan (devotional singing), Mantra, gentle asana and the sound of the drum leading you into relaxation, experience the healing effects of the Yogic science through the Indian and Cree Indigenous cultures while raising funds for the Indian Residential School Survivors Society.

One last story (thanks for sharing with me Peter Elmas!) about the Tibetan Yogi Milarepa…


(Parting Words)

One day, Milarepa warned Gampopa that the time had come for him to depart.

He told Gampopa, "You have received the entire transmission. I have given you all the teachings, as if pouring water from one vase into another. Only 1 pith instruction remains that I haven't taught you. It's very secret."

He then accompanied Gampopa to a river, where they were to part. Gampopa made prostrations to take his leave and started across. But Milarepa called him back: "You are a really good disciple. Anyway I will give you this last teaching."

Overjoyed, Gampopa prostrated 9 times, then waited for the instructions. Milarepa proceeded to turn around, pull up his robe, showing Gampopa his bottom. "Do you see?"

And Gampopa said, "Uh...yes..."

"Do you really see?"

Gampopa was not sure what he was supposed to see. Milarepa had calluses on his buttocks; they looked as though they were half flesh and half stone.

"You see, this is how I reached enlightenment: sitting and meditating. If you want to reach it in this life, make the same effort. This is my final teaching. I have nothing more to add."

~ Excerpt from Kalu Rinpoche's Luminous Mind: The Way Of The Buddha (1997)

Keep practicing!  

“Love Everybody and Tell The Truth.”

~ Ram Dass



(according to Krishnamacharya)


Ahimsa (non-violence, not to cause any harm to others)

Satya (truthfulness, in thought, speech and action)

Asteya (non-stealing, not to aspire after another’s wealth)

Brahmacharya (mastery of the senses, fidelity to one’s spouse)

Aparigraha (non-coveting, not to possess in excess)


Saucha (cleaning/purification)

Santosha (contentment/acceptance)

Tapas (practicing, control of body, keeping fit, restricted food)

Svadhyaya (study of self/study of sacred text)

Ishvara-Pranidhana (surrender to God, offering fruits of actions/humility)

We’ll see you again tomorrow, we’ve got one more daily entry for you, with a few fun surprises to share!


40 Days of Practice Resources: